We feel immense joy to meet you all through the internet.YesuvinKaram Ministries (Hand of Jesus Ministries) was started by the grace of the Lord on 9 September 1984 in Coonoor city, the Nilgiri District-Tamil Nadu-South India.
In the year of 1984, the Friday Fasting prayer meetings were started and have been continuing till date. Many have been participating in these meetings and receiving the great blessings of the Lord in several manners. In 1985 All Night prayer meetings were started. In these prayer meetings, many had been touched by God and received the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
God showed His great grace to publish the monthly magazine Yesuvin Karam in the Year 1986 in Tamil language. Many million people have been receiving blessings through this monthly Magazine. The Magazine Yesuvin Karam was then published in English and Malayalam languages in the year 1994. In 1997, it was published in Hindi. In 2003, this magazine was published in Telugu by the grace of God. Now the Magazine is being published in Tamil, English, Malayalam, Hindi and Telugu. If you want to read this magazine please contact us.
In 1988, the Lord gave us grace to start the Village Ministry. God enables us to visit many villages and to preach the gospel to the people of the villages. In 1989, leaflets were printed through Hand of Jesus Ministries. These leaflets were published in very simple manner to understand Jesus Christ and to receive Him as the saviour. Many people had been touched by these leaflets. In 1998, God?s messages given by Sister Esther Rani were printed in VCDs and DVDs. Many people heard these messages and have been receiving joy, peace and salvation.
Our Lord gave us the church ministry from the year 2003. The name of our Church is ?Hand of Jesus General Assembly?. Please pray for all our ministries. Offer your financial support for this ministry. Moreover, we have to launch the Satellite T.V., publish new Spiritual books, and organize youth camps and children camps to promote their stability in Jesus Christ, making revival among women, preaching gospel in the midst of handicapped and using the modern technologies to proclaim the word of God for many nations. Please pray for the accomplishment of these plans in future. Please uphold us by the works of your hands.